Elder Mitchell Head

Elder Mitchell Head

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Elder Head in the Philippines :)

Hey Guys! So far so good. I'm not dead. This week went by ridiculously fast. We taught a lot of
people this week! The most progressing investigator that we have is a sister named Sister Joana who
lives in Tipolo. She's been to church the past five weeks but didn't start taking the missionary lessons
until this week. She's already committed to baptism and will be baptized on November 22nd. Malipayyong kalag kalag! Halloween here is like three days. Kalag Kalag (Halloween), followed by All Saints Day, then followed by All Souls day. I don't know much about how they celebrate
besides that they sleep in the cemetery. So this weekend was a little slow but we taught a lot of 
lessons during the week and worked really hard. It was a good week! The kids here are so funny. They love the missionaries. They all call me Elder Ulo cause that's Elder Head sa Cebuanp and they will freak out every time they see Elder Larson and I. So this week I finished 1st Nephi and started 2nd Nephi. I challenged one of our investigatrs named Sister Frances to a race to finish 2nd Nephi. She works at a little tindahan (It's like a lean-to convenience store thing. It's hard to explain) so she has all day to read so I'm PRETTY sure I'm gonna get killed but hey, it'll get her reading, right? Haha. 
Filipino food is the best. Especially Mango floats. I can't really explain them, other than they're the best dessert in the Philippines. We taught the Alibo family the first lesson this week. They're a happy family out in Tipolo which is a part of our area. They're super awesome and ask a lot of questions which we're happy to answer of course. So we went to talk to a less active sister in our ward named Sister Sala who's husband died earlier in the week, except I didn't know she was less active. I thought she was not a member but her husband was. So at the end of the lesson I almost started to extend the baptismal commitment to her... "Buhaton ba nimo mosunod sa ehemplo ni JesuKristo pinaagi pagpabunyag.." But Elder Larson closed our lesson before I got the chance to and walking out I was like "Pastilan, Elder! I was just about to commit her to baptism! Unsa manat oy??" Then he proceeded to tell me about how they were talking about how she and her husband were sealed in the temple and how he's in a better place and I just misunderstood the whole part of that lesson. Awesome, right? So that was a close call. Haha.

Basta, have a good week! Kitakits!

Elder Head

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mitch, I am so proud of you. I look forward to reading your posts. You set such a great example for Riley thank you and keep up the hard work.
    Love ya buddy!
    Sister Olson
