Elder Mitchell Head

Elder Mitchell Head

Monday, June 22, 2015

Elder Head in the Philippines - Happy Father's Day

Hey Pops!!

Happy Father's Day! You might have to tell Momma sorry for me cause I think you might be the only one to get a letter this week besides Grandma Cheryl. Haha.

I just watched the new Mormon Message for Father's Day. It made me so grateful that I have a father that worked so hard for me to have a comfortable, happy life. You worked so hard to support all of my expensive hobbies and sports. I was not good enough to you Pops, I'm sorry that sometimes when you would ask me stuff I would just say "k", and then keep watching tv. You did so much for me and asked so little in return. Thank you so much for your incredible example to me. I hope that you're having a great father's day. I'm also very grateful that you were always a worthy priesthood holder. I can remember the time that I was 6 or 7 and was not feeling well at all and hurt so bad but because you were worthy, you were able to give me a blessing to help me. Then with the combined efforts of the priesthood and a pretty large daily dose of prune juice, it went away. I hope that you and the other priesthood holders of the family might be able to do something to help the pain that Grandma Alice is having right now. Thank you so much for always caring for me even when I was a grouchy, whiny teenager. You always wanted what's best for me but wouldn't force it on me. Thanks for always appealing to my never ending requests for the latest video game even though it was a waste of money. I truly love those talks that you've given to me. I normally end up listening to few of them at least once a transfer. I miss you Pop. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug and tell you I love you, but I can't cause I'm a little far at the moment. Thanks for your example and advice. I love you Pops. Have a good fathers day and relay a message of happy fathers day to the other fathers of the family. Love ya.

Elder Mitchell Head

Hey Mom!
I'm doing alright. I caught the sickness of my companion (A gnarly dry cough). After a lesson we were teaching last night, we gave a blessing of comfort to one of our investigators and when I started I had to restart cause I had a coughing fit. We taught a lot of people, we had interviews with President Tanner, and Elder Mapel and I made some American food this week which was bomb! Sorry for the short letter, this was a hard week of emailing. Trying to express my feeling to Grandma Alice was pretty hard. I wish I could be home to see her just one last time. Make sure Grandma Cheryl checks her email because I sent Grandma Alice a message that she can read to her. Okay. I love you guys. I have to log off. Buhbye.


Elder Head

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